The Generation Gap – 1960’s

HDN generation gap


If you’ve seen the film Hard Days Night then you’ll recognise this scene as the scene in which the Beatles torment an old war veteran on a train. But is it really that simple? Were the Beatles really so heartless? Personally I don’t think so, I believe that this scene was actually a hidden message to the audience – a metaphor if you like. The way the Beatles treat the old timer, in my opinion, is a statement about the attitude of the younger generation to the older generation and vice versa, during the 60’s. The Beatles are disrespectful to the man, however he is very condescending and rude to them too: the scene highlights the misunderstanding and tensions between the younger and older generation. During the 50’s and 60’s the idea of a ‘teen rebel’ was becoming increasingly popular with the young generation after being brought around by stars such as James Dean, this meant that they were becoming cheekier, less respectful and more independent. This new attitude was breeding contempt in the older generation who were stuck in the past, when young people respected they’re elders and didn’t speak unless spoken to; hence why there was such a gap present, and why neither generation understood the other, or respected them. This is what I believe the scene is trying to capture – the unrest and disrespect in society at the time.

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